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This course will discuss regional ITS architecture conformity and the ability to apply this information to the participant’s agency, projects, and region. It is an introductory level course geared for people with little or no experience with ITS architectures or systems engineering, but who are involved or will be involved with an ITS project.


Transit professionals involved with the implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects, who act as project leads or have significant roles in ITS projects. This may include planners, engineers, and operators, as well as individuals employed by MPOs, DOTs, and transportation agencies.


  • Explain how to integrate transit ITS systems with transportation ITS systems by using a regional ITS architecture
  • Discuss opportunities for integrating ITS projects within a region
  • Assess the current state of your regional ITS architecture(s) and identify if your project is part of it
  • Explore how a regional ITS architecture can be used to support your ITS projects, planning and design process
  • Describe the process for maintaining a regional ITS architecture



The goal of this course is to learn how to use a regional ITS architecture to support transit planning and project development in order to enhance business decision-making, assist with long-range agency planning, and provide a more efficient implementation of ITS projects. The actual regional ITS architecture(s) of a region will be used as the basis for teaching the course.

In addition, participants will be provided with the steps necessary for compliance with the FTA National ITS Architecture Policy on Transit Projects and learn how to become active in the development and evolution of a regional ITS architecture.
Two Days

  • $300.00 for Contractor, Consulting, Non-USA Transportation or Government Agency, Other.
  • Free for all others.


CEUs: 1.60




Salendria Mabrey