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Please keep checking back, another session will be held later in 2020.
The National Transit Institute (NTI) is pleased to announce a new delivery of this professional development opportunity, created specifically for senior-level public transit maintenance leaders.
You must apply and be accepted to attend this fee-based workshop.
The workshop curriculum will:
- Support the development of leadership skill
- Explore strategic maintenance planning
- Facilitate the sharing of best practices
- Build a network of transit maintenance professionals
Since 2015 the workshop has been delivered to more than 150 senior transit maintenance professionals from organizations across the country. The workshop was created in response to an identified industry need supported through a survey of more than 250 transit professionals. The curriculum was shaped by an advisory board comprised of transit General Managers, maintenance managers, and representatives of both the public and private sectors. The workshop was developed by NTI in partnership with GannonConsult and supported by the Federal Transit Administration.
NTI’s Billy Terry, GannonConsult’s Dr. Barbara Gannon, and APTA’s Lindsey Robertson join recognized industry experts to teach the workshop.
Raymond Melleady, Managing Director, North America for USSC Group, served on the Board of Advisors for the workshop development and will serve as an instructor for the program. Melleady noted the importance of this workshop as the transit industry strives to develop the next generation of transit maintenance leaders:
“In addition to technical skill sets, maintenance managers today are expected to have strong administrative and people skills. They are expected and responsible to look beyond today’s problems and contribute meaningful solutions to the organizations’ long-term strategy and vision. To that end, the maintenance leadership workshop is a timely investment for transit properties that want to invest in their future executive leadership.”
For more information, please email:
Amy Gornik, Senior Program Coordinator