The third course in a four-part series *, this three-day course will provide participants with a negotiation skill set. The participants will gain a greater understanding of negotiation, how to build negotiating skill sets and practice their application, when to negotiate and how negotiations are impacted by what is being procured. Competitive contract negotiations, non-competitive contract negotiations, moving beyond deadlock, and proposal evaluation are covered at length and augmented by best practices and exercises. The Best Practices Procurement Manual and Circular 4220.1F are referenced throughout the course. This course is conducted utilizing exercises, role-playing, case studies, and other interactive training activities. Opportunities will be available to practice negotiating skills and techniques. A small calculator would be helpful for the class exercises.
* It is highly recommended that the four procurement courses be taken in the following order: Procurement I: Orientation to Transit Procurement, Procurement II: Risk Assessment and Basic Cost or Price Analysis, Procurement III: RFPs and Competitive Contract Negotiations, and Procurement IV: Contract Administration.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Acquisition Planning and Strategy
- Competitive Proposal Negotiations
- Non-Competitive and Emergency Contract Negotiations
- Negotiating Architectural/Engineering Service Contracts
- Other Negotiated Procurement Methods
- Negotiation Skills
- Concessions
This course is for those currently engaged in procurement for federally funded transit agencies, especially those involved with pre-award planning and negotiations; contract administrators; project managers; procurement and contracting personnel wishing to improve their skills; transit suppliers; and FTA regional staff who review third-party contracting. Transit suppliers are encouraged to attend in order to understand the agency procurement function more thoroughly.
Length: 4 days
Salendria Mabrey