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This course provides an overview of transit procurement, emphasizing “best practices” for contract procurements by small and medium transit systems who are recipients of FTA funding. The course provides participants with a framework for examining basic issues pertaining to third-party contracting and introduces minimum standards for individual agency practices as described in the FTA Circular 4220.1F and other relevant federal guidance documents. Specific problem areas that may emerge during the procurement process will be identified and addressed. Circular 4220.1F is referenced throughout the course.
This workshop will:
- Highlight FTA procurement requirements
- Examine the procurement processes
- Provide an overview of best procurement practice in light of FTA requirements
This course is geared toward small and medium transit system administrative staff who are involved with third-party procurement and are recipients of FTA funding. State agency representatives, and FTA regional staff will also benefit from this course. Attendance is limited to those transit agencies that are in areas less than 50,000 in population and for those transit agencies in areas 50,000 or more that operate less than 50 peak vehicles.
Length: 2 days
CEUs: 1.40
Salendria Mabrey