Performance-Based Planning & Programming


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This course presents the USDOT performance-based planning and programming framework and how the elements of the framework relate to current planning and programming process, including key issues such as fiscal constraint, air quality conformity, the congestion management process, public involvement, Federal planning factors and other relevant issues. The concepts presented in the course are reinforced using examples of noteworthy agency practices to help practitioners advance these approaches in their respective planning and programming activities.


The overall goal of this course is to familiarize transportation agencies with the key elements of a performance-based planning and programming framework, the relationship of these elements within existing planning and programming processes and the connection of these elements to Transportation Performance Management requirements.


Participants in the course will gain insight on several key learning points, including:

  • How to apply performance management principles within the planning and programming process to achieve desired agency goals and performance outcomes as initiated by MAP-21 and continued under the FAST Act;
  • How to connect PBPP with other performance management activities, plans and products; and
  • How to assess and learn from transferable planning and programming practices in use across the US, including examples of how agencies are moving towards implementing performance-based planning and programming.


This two-day course is geared for transportation professionals responsible for developing and implementing performance-based plans and programs and those responsible for integration and linkage of other requirements, under performance-based legislation initiated by MAP-21 and continued under the FAST Act. This includes a broad audience of State DOTs, MPOs, regional planning organizations (RPOs), transit agencies and USDOT staff. Participants should have knowledge of the planning process and the collaboration needed for it.

Length: 2 days

CEUs: 1.2

Andrea Dixon