This overview course provides practitioners new to Title VI with a foundational understanding of how Title VI and its policies connect with public transportation and its operating environment.
- Explore the history and context of Title VI
- Provide a brief overview of Title VI and Environmental Justice (EJ)
- Discuss general Title VI requirements for practitioners
- Review elements of Public Participation and Limited English Proficienty
- Provide resources for further exploration of Title VI requirements and practices
To give practitioners who are totally NEW to Title VI a foundational overview of federal requirements, the context in which Title VI connects with public transit, and to offer resources for further study after the course.
Individuals who are completely new to the field of Transit, Title VI, and/or the intersection of the two; any transit practitioner who is does not work directly with Title VI but wants to gain an understanding of its policies and implications.
Length: 2 days virtual, 4.5 hours a day (NTI will only issue Certificates of Completion to individuals who attend the entire course. Please plan to attend all 2-day sessions.)
Fee: Free
Program Coordinator: Myrna Sirleaf