National Transit Database: Annual Reporting for Indian Tribes


The goal of this course is to help transit professionals from agencies that are beneficiaries of the Tribal Transit Program of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) understand the requirements for reporting annual public transportation data to the FTA. These agencies report their annual data using the online reporting tool that is part of FTA’s National Transit Database (NTD) program.

The important topics covered in this course include:

  • “Who” is required to report,
  • “What” data must be reported,
  • How the required data are organized in the different NTD reporting modules (e.g., Basic Information, Asset, Reduced Reporting), and
  • How the NTD annual reporting website is designed for entering and submitting annual data.


This course is intended for Tribal Transit professionals whose responsibilities include functions related to the NTD reporting such as data collection, statistical compilation, and financial accounting and reporting. This is an introductory level course and is geared for professionals who have little or no experience using the NTD reporting system. The course also may be helpful to more experienced professionals who would like a review of NTD reporting policies.

Please note that Urban NTD reporting, including Safety and Security, is not covered in this course. These reporting topics are covered in separate NTI course offerings.

Length: 2 days, online, 1:00-4:30pm EASTERN each day


Duration: 2-days, 3.5 hours each day, virtual
Contact: Lori Glickman