Management of Transit Construction Projects


This course will explore best practices to  Manage Transit Construction Project successfully.  FTA capital construction projects ranging in cost from a few million dollar to billion dollar major capital projects, which all use certain fundamental practices covered during the course.  Federal laws require transit major capital investment projects (>$100 million) to have a Project Management Plan (PMP) approved by the FTA.  The course will explain how the PMP tool can be beneficial on all size capital projects.  The course covers the basics of good project management  and encourages discussion of real world every day transit construction problems among participants.  Depending on the projects of interest to the class, emphasis will be on either the requirements in the FTA-Project and Construction Management Guidelines or the FTA Construction Project Management Handbook.   Upon completion participants will have a better understanding of what is required to effectively manage a transit construction project.


  • Purpose of Project Management Planning
  • Organization
  • Project Management and Control
  • Procurement
  • Public Involvement
  • Managing Risk
  • Managing Design
  • Managing Construction
  • Quality Assurance & Quality Control
  • Managing Testing and Start-up
  • System Operational & Construction Safety


Duration: 3 Days (in person)
Contact: Myrna Sirleaf
Audience: Managers, planners and engineers involved in all phases of the management and construction of FTA-Funded projects.  Any recipient of FTA funds who is involved in the planning, design, construction, and post construction phases of major and non-major capital projects, will find this course essential to their success.