Introduction to Transportation Conformity

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The Transportation Conformity course will present basic information about conformity requirements and the relationship of the transportation and air quality planning processes in order to prepare agency staff (federal, state and local) to participate in interagency consultation and work effectively in resolving conformity issues.


New staff members as well as more senior staff who may not be familiar with the broad ramifications of the conformity process working in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), state departments of transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), state/county/local planning agencies, state and local air quality agencies, transit agencies and consultant firms.


  • To develop a clear understanding of the dynamic relationship between transportation planning and air quality planning in the context of transportation conformity
  • To provide an overview of the transportation planning and project development processes and to show how these processes are linked to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) through the conformity requirements
  • To provide an understanding of the roles and responsibilities in inter-agency coordination and techniques to provide opportunities for public participation in the conformity process

Length: 2.5 days

CEUs: 1.80


Andrea Dixon