The goal of this course is to help transit professionals and vendors systematically define data interfaces between applications using the Transit Communication Interface Profiles standard (APTA TCIP-S-001 3.0.3). The TCIP model architecture and the associated building blocks will be reviewed.
In addition, participants will practice using the TCIP Implementation and Requirements Capabilities Editor (TIRCE) to create and respond to RFPs for applications that are TCIP compliant.
This course is intended for individuals who identify, procure, and implement Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for a transit or transportation agency, as well as vendors who are creating TCIP compliant systems and applications. Participants should possess basic knowledge of computer systems communication, database structures, and transit business systems interactions.
In addition, experience with writing requirement specifications for transit information systems would be helpful.
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Define the relationship among ITS architectures at the national, regional, and agency level
- Recognize the advantages of using standards
- Describe the purpose of the TCIP standard
- List the TCIP building blocks
- Discuss how to use TCIP for a transit technology procurement
- Use the TIRCE tool to specify TCIP interfaces for a project or product
Length: 2 days
Fee: Contact for fee information
CEUs: 1.60