
This invitation-only, two-day workshop will present a structured forum in which interoperability before, during, and after an emergency will be a driving force. Each session will bring together selected representatives from public transit systems, private transportation companies, emergency services, various levels of transportation departments, health-care facilities, state, local, as well as the federal government. The workshops will provide a forum to discuss all aspects of the challenges of large-scale, multi-agency response and incident management.


  • Transit Employees
  • Emergency Managers
  • Public Safety Managers
  • Police, Fire & EMS Supervisors


  • Explain the role and contributions of public transportation on a daily basis and during emergency situations
  • List the specific types of resources and services your agency can contribute during a multi-agency and multi-discipline response
  • Identify the four phases of emergency management and practice emergency management given real world scenarios
  • Network with fellow participants


To prepare transit systems, emergency service agencies, and other emergency management partners to collaborate, share resources, and implement plans to best mitigate injury, loss of life, and damage to property and assets when incidents occur.

Length: 2 days

Fee: Free
