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The customer base for transportation services has expanded greatly. Due to demographic shifts, changing job markets, environmental concerns, increasing pressure to find alternatives to the single-occupancy vehicle, and suburban/exurban land use patterns, the transportation needs of the population are changing and increasing.

Characteristics of travelers today include people with disabilities as well as low-income individuals. These groups are interested in using more independent modes of transportation services as well as improving the current system. Transportation services are sometimes fragmented and/or duplicative, creating inefficiencies for customers and extra costs for programs needing transportation. Additionally, transit services may stop at jurisdictional lines and not connect with other modes or jurisdictions.

Mobility, human service, and transportation professionals struggle to create ride options to meet the needs of these disparate consumer groups. It is time to put the pieces of this puzzle together to make a seamless transit network for those who need it. Mobility management strategies address this need in an inclusive and non-threatening manor for both human service and public transit as well as the automobile industry.

This course will examine creative approaches to resolving fragmented and/or duplicative transportation systems to create a more seamless and cost-efficient network with a customer-focused mindset.


Human service professionals, transit providers, transit agency staff and Board members, brokerage firm personnel, workforce professionals, state agency staff, planners, MPOs, TMAs, Council of Governments, and transit managers who coordinate mobility for all people.


  • Introduce the concept of mobility management and its application to transportation operations at the community level.
  • Identify funding resources available for implementing and operating mobility management programs.
  • Describe how to develop the Coordinated Public Transit and Human Service Transportation Plan Coordinated Plan.
  • Identify the necessary tools and resources to effectively implement a mobility management program.
  • Present case studies of successful mobility management models.
  • Discuss the skills of a mobility manager.


The goal of this course is to help mobility, human service, and transit professionals examine creative approaches to resolve fragmented and/or duplicative transportation systems in order to create a more seamless and cost-efficient network with a customer-focused mindset.

Length: 2 days


  • $300.00 for Contractor, Consulting, Non-USA Transportation or Government Agency, Other.
  • Free for all others.

CEUs: 1.40


Myrna Sirleaf