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As the buses available to the transit industry have expanded to include high tech fleets, purchasing a vehicle has become more complicated and requires discussions with the manufacturers to get the bus that will best meet the agency’s needs. A well thought out, streamlined, procurement process not only benefits the agency, but allows manufacturers a more consistent approach for their proposals, and more accountability for how federal dollars are spent.


The target audience for this workshop is the procurement manager and project manager who work on bus procurements. Agencies are encouraged to send a procurement team to the workshop when possible. Because vehicle procurements require strong cross-departmental cooperation and communication, other key staff involved in procuring buses, including representatives from finance, maintenance and legal departments are also encouraged to attend this workshop.


This workshop will:

  • Highlight FTA procurement requirements
  • Examine bus procurement processes
  • Review the 2011 APTA Standard Bus Procurement Guidelines document
  • Provide opportunities for dialog between manufacturers and agencies

Length: Two Days


  • $300.00 for Consulting, Contractor.
  • Free for all others.

CEUs: 1.60


Salendria Mabrey