Building Diversity Skills in the Transit Workplace (Direct Delivery)

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Building Diversity Skills in the Transit Workplace is designed to assist transit employees in maintaining effective working relationships by recognizing and responding to the diverse needs of individuals and groups within the transit workplace. The objectives of the course are to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Define diversity in the workplace and its many dimensions
  • Identify barriers to valuing diversity
  • Recognize diversity issues and their impact on employee and customer relations
  • Discuss strategies for valuing diversity in the workplace

To accomplish these objectives, the course integrates lecture, visual aids, participant interaction, and learning activities.

Delivery Options:

Direct Delivery: NTI will deliver this course directly to your employees. NTI provides the instructor free of charge. The requesting organization is responsible for providing a training location and audio/visual equipment. A minimum class size of twenty is required. Multiple sessions can be conducted over up to three consecutive days depending on the number employees to be trained.

To request a session, download our Course Request Form and email the completed form to at or fax it to 732.932.1707.


This course is targeted at transit employees at all levels in an organization.

Length: 3 hours


Amy Gornik